Give Joy this Holiday Season
The magic, wonder, and excitement that all children love during the holiday season make this time of year extra special! Jardin de los Niños relies on the generosity of our community during the holiday season. You can make a difference this year and help to ensure all of our children have a joyful holiday by participating in our Adopt-A-Family 2024 campaign!

To ensure your generous donation goes directly to supporting our Mission, please consider donating directly through our website or by contacting Jardin’s team directly.
**We are not receiving donations through any other nonprofit organization.
More about our Adopt-A-Family Program
Our Adopt-A-Family campaign helps to ensure that our children and families have access to items that support basic needs and items of joy throughout the holiday season. Giving to this fundraiser also supports our year-round onboarding of new families while providing support to prevent homelessness from recurring.
Jardin in the Hatch Valley Community! Our Adopt-A-Family campaign also helps support the Hatch Valley Community. Adopting families in the Hatch community will support families with basic needs items, their child's wish list and joy to last throughout the holiday season. With your contributions we will be able to help more children and families flourish in both communities!
To adopt a family or child for the holidays, please contact Alma Ketcherside, Director of Family Services.
For support on how to donate online or to setup an online fundraiser for our Adopt-A-Family campaign, please contact Amber Sedillo, Director of Development and Community Engagement.